I have always been interested in new technological and managerial challenges. In the last 25 years I have been involved in diagnostic imaging and image guided therapeutic products and services as well as other related Medical Technology ventures, as founder / innovator / CEO and investor. I previously was the Founder and CEO of Tomovation + Alliance Medical Northern and Central Europe (Alliance bought Tomovation in 2008 - both radiology services companies) and prior to that of NEUROMED AG (acquired by UMS AG in 2001).
Currently I am a Board Member of three startup MedTec R&D companies, a shareholder of over 15 startups (see www.friih.de), as well as the founder and CEO of a medical technology startup-fund (see www.5p-futurehealth.com). I also was a board member of three publicly traded medical technology companies in the US and was a non-executive board member of Eckert&Ziegler BEBIG AG from Senefe, Belgium.
Since 1994 I have authored more than 100 patent applications, and written over 400 conference and journal papers. I am a member of IEEE, SPIE, ISMRM, RSNA, and ECR.
From 2014 -2019 I was an endowed Professor for Image Guided Therapies / Catheter Technologies at the Medical Engineering Institute of the Otto-von-Guericke University (OVGU) in Magdeburg, Germany. In dec. 2019 I was awarded a honorary professorship at the OVGU Faculty of Medicine.
Since 2018 I am an Adjunct Professor of the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia working with the group of Prof. Dietmar Hutmacher.
Since 2022 I am happy to be the founding director of the Center of Innovation, Business Development & Entrepreneurship (CIBE) at the FOM University of Applied Science in Essen, Germany (www.fom-cibe.de) and also a Research Professor at the AGH University of Krakow, the top polish technology university (http://healthtech-innovation.agh.edu.pl).